14 Acre Farm

Growing Good Food

After having many health problems, Melissa sought for ways to heal naturally. One of those ways was to try growing food ourselves that was free of chemicals. After several years, we found there is a need for others to also have food that is safe to eat that doesn’t make you sick.

What came out of necessity has become a passion that we enjoy sharing.

Growing Produce

We grow our food using organic practices. We have many products that we enjoy growing and we’ve learned to grow more so we can share with others locally. Click the title to learn more about the produce we grow.

Garden Boxes

We offer produce boxes that feature the freshest produce we have on the farm. We have produce box subscriptions, canning boxes, and some Ala carte boxes from our extra produce. To learn more about our Produce Boxes, click the title above.

Learn With Us!

We enjoy sharing what we have learned through the years. Our aim is to help others learn so they can do the same. We’ll occasionally give gardening or cooking classes. We’ll also share videos and posts that will encourage you to try something new. Click on the title above to find the information that we share here and other places as well.

I LOVE coming out to the farm! I love the peaceful atmosphere and getting great produce!


Grow. Eat.

Be Healthy & Happy!

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Recent Blog Posts…

The Outdoor Work Has Begun!

We’ve been cleaning out the tunnels on and off on the good days for the last couple weeks. But, it is time to start planting, so we’re working a little harder. The garlic is growing and we’ve taken opportunity to start getting extra water to it on the sunny days. We’re enjoying seeing what has…

Go-to Meal #1

One of my favorite summer Go-to meals is sauteed veggies with polenta. I like this meal because it is quick, but also a little different than my other meals. I can mix and match any veggies. I usually have an onion, a leafy green (today is kale, but I have used collards or spinach), and…

Garden Journal 6-23-22

Having a mid-June vacation is pretty hard on a garden.  However, this year we didn’t have quite the huge flush of weeds that I expected.  I guess the two-day push for weeding before we left helped a lot.  Our garden is in transition.  The spring garden is about done, but the summer garden isn’t at…

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